B. inggris


hallo kak. tolong jawab soal tugas b.inggris buatkan story,pertanyaan,beserta jawabannya yang berkaitan what,who,when,how,where. terimakasih di tunggu sekarang.makasih

1 Jawaban

  • On Monday morning, Doni is playing basketball in his house backyard. Then, the bell door dings, he came to the door to see who it is. It was Tina, who invited Doni to solve a group problem in Rina's house. Doni agreed, after they finished solving the problem, Doni invited Tina and Rina to celebrate Hana's birthday, which is today, August 22nd. So they ride the train besides Rina's to come to Hana's house and celebrate her birthday.

    a. What = What is Doni doing?
    b. Who = Who is on the door?
    c. When = When is Hana's birthday?
    d. How = How to solve this problem?
    e. Where = Where is the train station?

    a. What = Doni is playing basketball.
    b. Who = It's Tina
    c. When = It's August 22
    d. How = By discussing it with your group
    e. Where = It's beside Rina's house

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