B. inggris


Jawabmi yang ditahu saja. Sangat membantu jawabannya.
Jawabmi yang ditahu saja. Sangat membantu jawabannya.

2 Jawaban

  • 88.1
    2. C is longer than A.
    D is the longest
    B is the shortest

    3. D is younger than C.
    B is the youngest.
    C is the oldest.

    4. D is more expensive than A.
    C is the most expensive.
    A is the cheapest.

    5. A is better than C.
    A is the best.
    D is the worst.

    2. the happiest day
    3. the best film
    4. the most popular singer
    5. the worst mistake
    6. the prettiest village
    7. the coldest day
    8. the most boring person

    2. Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
    3. Alaska is the largest state in the USA.
    4. Brazil is the largest country in South America.
    5. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system.
    6. The Nile is the longest river in Africa.
  • 2 . C is longer than A
    D is the longest
    B is the shortest

    3. D is younger than C
    B is the youngest
    C is the oldest

    4. D is more expensive than A
    C is the most expensive
    A is the cheapest


    2. The happiest day
    4. The most popular
    6. The prettiest
    7. The coldest

    2. Everest is the highest mountain in the world
    3. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solat sytem
    4. Brazil is the largest county in South America
    5. The Nile is the Longest river in Africa