percakapan tentang inggris 1 percakapan mencakup invitation , centainty dan compliment dong
B. inggris
percakapan tentang inggris 1 percakapan mencakup invitation , centainty dan compliment dong
2 Jawaban
1. Jawaban desypreparedise
ini bukan?
A: Hello Anggie, would you like to come to my party tonight?
B: What kind of party?
A: Barbeque night.
B: And what the desert?
A: Autumn salad.
B: Do you invite all of our friends?
A; Of course.
B: Oh, i'd like to come over to your party. ^_^ -
2. Jawaban stephanie
Harry: Hi, Hanna!
Hanna: Hi, Harry! What's up?
Harry: Would you come to my birthday party tonight?
Hanna: Sure! Why not? What's the dress code?
Harry: Just casual
Hanna: okay, i'll wear my best casual dress
Harry: i'm sure you'll be wonderful tonight
Hanna: thank you